CDL training is a critical part of finding the right truck driving job.
Take the First Step
CDL training is the first step in beginning a successful career as a professional truck driver. While anyone meeting the FMCSA requirements can get a CDL license by passing the permit and skills test, reputable trucking companies are looking for more out of new drivers. Potential employers want to hire drivers that have proven themselves to be safe and well-rounded by learning the skills necessary to complete a CDL training program.
CDL Training Locations
Driver Solutions has several CDL training locations throughout the U.S. We are continuing to form new partnerships and our representatives will always work to find the best location near you. Currently, we're able to help new drivers find truck driving schools in and around the following states:
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- North Carolina
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
Develop the Skills
CDL training programs teach things that go well beyond what uncle Mac can teach in the backyard. We're talking about important skills such as map reading, trip planning, logging routines, understanding basic mechanical issues, and much more. These skills are critical to performing the day-to-day duties of a truck driving job and they're best taught by instructors with years of professional driving experience.
Start the Career
The goal of CDL training is to prove to potential employers (trucking companies) that a driver has what it takes to be considered a "professional" and the best way to do that is by attending truck driving school. Driver Solutions works with the top truck driving schools in the U.S. to provide the highest level of CDL training available.