Am I Too Old to Become a Truck Driver?

Am I too old to become a truck driver?  Wait a minute, how old do you have to be in the first place?  Are there any age requirements in trucking? 
These are just some of the frequently asked questions we get.  So, let's talk about truck driver age for a few minutes.

When working with Driver Solutions, there's a minimum age requirement of 21 years old to go through our company-sponsored CDL training program.  But is there an upper age limit in trucking?  Is there such a thing as being TOO OLD?  Watch the video below to find out...

WATCH: Am I Too Old to Become a Truck Driver?

Can You Pass the DOT Physical?

As long as you feel good enough and are able to pass the DOT physical as well as perform the duties of the job - you're never too old to drive a truck!  Truthfully, I feel better today at age 51 than I have in a long, long time.  

When Trucker Wayne Started

I got started as a truck driver when I was 45 years old.  This really isn't uncommon at all.  Many people find a truck driving job as a second career or even after the kids are out of the house and they're able to do something they've always wanted to do.  

Do It NOW!

If you're reading this post, you aren't getting any younger!  LOL  If trucking is something you want to do, maybe you've even thought about it for years, then NOW is the time to go for it.  While it's never too late to get started, you're also not promised tomorrow.  

Trucking allows me to do what I love to do - TRAVEL and get PAID to do it.  On top of that, I get to pursue my other passion which is photography.  There's so many great things to see and do out here.  Are you ready to join me?

Find a Trucking School Near You

Just like we helped Wayne get rolling, Driver Solutions can help you get the CDL training you need to become a truck driver.  Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now and we'll work to find a trucking school near you. 

Apply Now

About The Author

Wayne got his start in trucking by going through the Driver Solutions company-sponsored CDL training program back in 2012.  Since then, he has traveled over 300,000 safe miles and counting! After seeing his photos and reading about his adventures, we knew we had to share them on our blog. Join Wayne on his journey for a first-hand look at life on the road!

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