The Truth About Truck Driver Pay - Watch Before Becoming Trucker

Truck driver pay.  Trucker pay.  Trucking pay.  Whatever you want to call it, this is what I get asked about the most.  In particular, "how much money can I make as a truck driver?"

I think a lot of times new truck drivers come into this industry with unrealistic expectations on what they can make, especially during first year.  So, I made this quick video to help set the record straight on truck driver pay. 

WATCH: The Truth About Truck Driver Pay

Pay Follows Experience

The truth is you CAN make good money the first year in trucking.  But the more important truth is that the first year is really all about getting that valuable experience.  Don't get me wrong, of course the money is important.  Even more important, however, is understanding that if you can make it through the first year without any accidents or violations, you can open the door to a long-lasting career.  The money is going to come.

You see, I think all too often people get into trucking with unrealistic expectations.  Trucking just isn't a get rich quick scheme.  It's an industry that will ensure you always have a job, while paying you good money and enabling you to travel this beautiful country.  Trucking will give you the freedom of being your own boss, while allowing you to grow and pick which career path you want to take. 

I know it's easy to think about your Uncle Bob who has been trucking for years and is setup great financially.  Just remember, it takes time to get to that point and it's not going to happen during your first year.  So, stick it out, stay safe and enjoy the ride!  I know I am. 

Find a Trucking School Near You

Just like we helped Wayne get rolling, Driver Solutions can help you get the CDL training you need to become a truck driver.  Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now and we'll work to find a trucking school near you. 

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About The Author

Wayne got his start in trucking by going through the Driver Solutions company sponsored CDL training program back in 2012.  Since then, he has traveled over 300,000 safe miles and counting! After seeing his photos and reading about his adventures, we knew we had to share them on our blog. Join Wayne on his journey for a first hand look at life on the road!

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