The 1 True Cost of CDL School
As you begin your search for the right truck driving school to obtain your Class A CDL with, one of the most important questions that you’ll ask is:
“What is the true cost of CDL school?”
CDL School
Well, the answer to that question isn’t that easy. On top of travel expenses, food expenses, and more, schools also charge various tuition rates, and can reach upwards of $6,000.
That’s no small chunk of change. For anybody.
If you can’t pay for CDL school yourself, there are a couple of different ways to finance that kind of money. You can take out a loan, or maybe look for a federal grant of some sort.
Company Sponsored CDL School
However, there’s one option where you can take paying for CDL school out of the equation. It’s called company sponsored CDL training. This type of program connects you with a carrier company that will sponsor you to get your Class A CDL.
What that means is that the trucking company sponsoring you will pay for your CDL school tuition. In exchange for covering your tuition costs, you have to drive for that company for an agreed amount of time upon successful completion of training.
Driver Solutions and PAM Transport offer this kind of opportunity to aspiring truck drivers. Outside of licensing feeds, food, and transportation to and from school, the cost of training for you is nothing.
Not all CDL schools offer job placement, or even assistance, once you get your CDL, so we feel this type of program is one of the best ways for you to not only get your Class A CDL, but your start in the trucking industry as well.
The True Cost of CDL School
Because PAM Transport covers your tuition, the one true cost of CDL school for you to cover is the investment you put into training.
The time, effort, and commitment is the real cost.
Just like anything worth having, getting your Class A CDL is hard work. Quite simply, you'll get out of it what you put into it.
The more time and effort you put into studying and training, the easier you’ll find your written and skills tests to be. Trucking is certainly not easy, and a half-hearted effort will probably result in you struggling to remember what goes into your pre-trip inspection, a 45-degree back, parallel parking, or something else.
What are you willing to do to set yourself up for a long-lasting, successful career as a truck driver?
Start Your Trucking Career Now
Driver Solutions can help you get the CDL training you need to become a truck driver. Start your career now and you could be on the road making up to $50,000 in just the first year! Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now.