What Should I Expect at Truck Driving School?

What should I expect at truck driving school?  Any good advice?

These are 2 great questions that every new CDL student wonders at some point. 

It doesn't matter if you're going to trucking school in Texas, Indiana or Florida - there are a couple of things that will always be true.  Press PLAY on this video to find out what they are...

WATCH: What to Expect at Truck Driving School

Truck Driving School is Intense

No matter where you're going to truck driving school, it's going to be intense.  You need to embrace that.  Remember, you're there to begin a career.   You're going to have to study.  You're going to have to work hard.  There are going to be a lot of new things coming at you in a relatively short amount of time.  It can seem a bit intense.  That's a good thing.

I can assure you that Driver Solutions has a process that works.  It's a proven process that has helped thousands and thousands of drivers get a Commercial Driver's License (CDL).  It worked for me and it can work for you, too. 

Truck Driving School is FUN

While truck driving school can be very intense, it can also be extremely fun.  Some of your fellow classmates will become friends for life. They're there with the same dream as you - to become a professional truck driver. 

Form study groups, take the time to get to know your fellow students.  Who knows - maybe you'll even meet your teammate at truck driving school? 

Find a Trucking School Near You

Just like we helped Wayne get rolling, Driver Solutions can help you get the CDL training you need to become a truck driver.  Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now and we'll work to find a trucking school near you. 

Apply Now

About The Author

Wayne got his start in trucking by going through the Driver Solutions company paid CDL training program back in 2012.  Since then, he has traveled over 300,000 safe miles and counting! After seeing his photos and reading about his adventures, we knew we had to share them on our blog. Join Wayne on his journey for a first hand look at life on the road!

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