3 Things to Watch Out for with Free CDL School
As you begin your search for the right CDL school to get your trucking license with, there are certain things you need to watch out for or be aware of with each company.
Below, we've outline 3 things you should watch out for when it comes to free CDL school:
3 Things to Watch Out for with Free CDL School
- How Long Have They Been in Business
- Be sure to research how long CDL schools have been in business. We highly recommend that you go with a company that has been in business for at least 5-10 years. Why?
- Because "mom and pop" type companies are springing up all the time and they just haven't perfected the CDL training process. Driver Solutions has been in business for over 25 years, and worked with PAM Transport for over 20 years now.
- Over that time, we've developed a tried and true process that has helped over 25,000 people get started on the right foot in the truck driving industry.
- Length of Contract
- Many free CDL schools try to lock you in to a contract that lasts close to 2 years (usually 18 to 24 months), or otherwise will make you drive a certain amount of miles for them. With that, you need to be aware of what the contract states about tuition repayment.
- Many trucking schools and companies claim that they give you free CDL school, but they end up deducting money from your paycheck to pay for it over time.
- Job Opportunity
- The third thing you need to be aware of in your CDL school search is job opportunity. Does the school or program you're looking into offer placement assistance? Many schools either do not offer help, or don't set you up with a company that has the earning potential and advancement opportunities that you'd have with PAM Transport.
- With PAM Transport, you can earn up to $50,000 on the road in just your first year on the road. What's even better is that you can advance your career in various ways, all the while maximizing your first year income.
- In your first year with PAM, you can: drive Team Hazmat, become an owner operator in PAM's lease/purchase program, and become a Driver Mentor. All three will turn you into a versatile and experienced truck driver.
Get Started Today
Driver Solutions can help you get the CDL training you need to become a truck driver. Start your career now and you could be on the road making up to $50,000 in just the first year! Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now.