Researching schools & companies? Don't make the wrong choice!
Choosing a trucking company and school. It is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. After all...this is a new career you are talking about. You will have a lot of people give you their opinions on certain schools and companies, but the person who can ultimately decide what's best for YOU is YOU.
Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each school/company and think about how that directly impacts YOU and YOUR FAMILY - not someone else. Here are some videos from Trucker G that will make you think...
Trucking 101: Where Should You Get Your CDL?
Truck Driving School - Here's What You Should Really Expect!
Checklist - How to Pick the Right Trucking Company
Tips for Choosing the Right Trucking School
- How far are you willing to travel to a trucking school?
- Are you able to pay for a school yourself?
- Do you need assistance in paying for school?
- How soon do you want to start school?
- What is the most convenient and works best for you?
Advice for Picking the Right Trucking Company
- Is the pay enough for you?
- Are you willing to travel to all of the places this company wants you to?
- Do they treat their employees well?
- Are they located in a convenient location for you near home?
All of the above topics and questions are important for you to thoroughly discuss before you decide on the school to attend and the company to drive for.
When you're ready to take the leap, join our program at Driver Solutions. We offer a sponsored CDL training program, the only upfront cost to you is to get your CDL permit and to pay for food in school. While in school you will then get reimbursed up to $50 for your CDL permit. Why not take a leap with one of the best truck driver recruiting companies! To get started, fill out an application here.