Truck Driver Diabetes - How to Take Control

Why Truck Driver Diabetes?

Truck driver diabetes is a serious topic in the transportation industry.  Why?  Because, quite simply, it can mean the difference between staying employed and not. As it stands, the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) allows diabetics who aren't on insulin to drive. If diabetes is controlled by oral medications and/or diet and exercise, it should not disqualify a driver.

However, diabetics who take insulin may still apply for a waiver that allows them to drive -- the process is just long and frankly, difficult. It requires being evaluated by an endocrinologist and ophthalmologist and providing any information required to the FMCSA.

While some lifestyle changes are necessary, with a little effort it's still possible to have a long, successful career as a truck driver. Below are some resources we've put together to help truck drivers with diabetes manager everything from exercise to diet. 

How to Manage Truck Driver Diabetes on the Road

Diabetes is a common medical condition in the trucking industry. The sedentary lifestyle of a professional truck driver can often lend itself to some unhealthy habits, which put drivers at risk for type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, type 2 diabetes is manageable with the right exercise and diet plan and medications are not always needed. Learn how to manage your diabetes on the road in this post.

The Best Exercises to Combat Truck Driver Diabetes

Many people incorrectly believe that with a diabetes diagnosis comes necessary insulin injections, but this is not always true. In fact, in more cases than not, type 2 diabetes can be managed through simple diet and exercise changes. Get some basic ideas that are great for beginners in this post.

The Best Diet for Truck Driver Diabetes

One of the best ways to maintain and get type 2 diabetes under control is by modifying your diet to include more healthier foods. There's not really a "diabetic diet;" it is mainly a diet that is balanced in terms of carbohydrates.The main thing is to avoid the overly processed junk foods. Learn more about maintaining a healthy diabetic diet in this blog post.

Managing Truck Driver Diabetes

Managing truck driver diabetes on the road takes some extra effort, but it can be done.  Take control of your life and put these resources to use now to enjoy life as a professional truck driver.