The Truth About Local Truck Driving Jobs

Local truck driving jobs.

It's one of the things we get asked about the most at Driver Solutions.

There are many great people who want to become truck drivers that just need to understand the (sometimes) hard truth about local truck driving jobs.

Local Truck Driver Jobs - The Truth

The truth is, you aren't going to walk into the transportation industry and automatically become a local truck driver on day one.  It takes several months or even years of driving experience before you'll be able to land that local truck driving job. 

The trucking industry is tough.  And the local truck driving job market can be very competitive - especially for the really good ones.  It can be very difficult to get that local trucking job that you really want.  That's the truth.

The other truth about local truck driving jobs is that if you want to get one, you have to first be a professional trucker!  Don't put the cart before the horse, so to speak.  Remember, you have to start somewhere.  Many people tend to forget that.

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams

You see, all too often people that would make great truck drivers throw away their dreams when they find out a local truck driving job is not immediately available.  They give up on something they've wanted to do since they were a kid.  That's the truth about local truck driving jobs. 

The other truth about local driving jobs is once people get started, many times they realize a local job is NOT actually what they want.  They quickly discover they'd rather continue to see the country and get great miles. 

Trucking Experience = Open Doors

While Driver Solutions can't get you a local driver job right out of the gate, what we CAN do is get you a start in the trucking industry.  We can help you get the CDL training needed to become a professional trucker and find a truck driver job opportunity with PAM Transport. 

Driving for PAM Transport will get you the experience needed to land a local truck driving job down the line.  It's true what they say, once you get a year of experience under your belt - the doors to local job opportunities begin to open up. 

Start NOW!

Start your career now to get the experience you need to find local driver job opportunities!  You'll be able to make up to $50,000 in just the first year with great driver benefits.  Just take a few moments to complete our online driver application now.

Apply Online Here!